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Attend GDC 2017 and learn to make better games using cutting-edge math

Game devs, take note: GDC 2017 organizers would like to give you a preview of the cutting-edge discussions taking place during the day-long Math for Game Programmers tutorial which will help kick off the conference next month.

And of course, this is just one of many excellent Bootcamps and Tutorials scheduled during the first two days of GDC -- that's next Monday and Tuesday, February 27th and February 28th this year!

This math-focused tutorial day is super-useful because as games and gaming platforms continue to evolve and diversify, so has the complexity and variety of problems facing the modern game programmer. Creating the latest code for graphics, gameplay, animation, physical simulation, and artificial intelligence requires thorough knowledge of the necessary mathematical underpinnings.

Attendees of this tutorial will help carry on the tradition of the "Math for Programmers" tutorial by joining together with some of the best presenters in gaming math to concentrate on the mathematics essential for creating unique and sophisticated graphics, plausible interactive physical simulations, and interesting and nuanced gameplay.

The day's many exciting, engaging sessions will focus on the issues of game development important to programmers and includes programming context and guidance throughout. This year's topics include random generation and manipulation, ratings systems, neural networks, ballistic projectiles, N-way quaternion interpolation, fast convex hull construction, mesh cutting and deformation, and procedural texture coordinate generation.

For more details on this and other talks taking place at GDC 2017, head over to the conference Session Scheduler.

For more information on GDC 2017, which is taking place February 27th through March 3rd in San Francisco, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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