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Catch cutting-edge sponsored sessions from AMD, Intel, Nvidia and more at GDC 2017

Game makers take note: You still have time to register for Game Developers Conference 2017, and as the conference draws closer we're announcing even more sessions for the Main Conference that you'll want to check out.

Today we're highlighting a number of cutting-edge sponsored sessions from Nvidia, AMD and other influential technology firms. If you're looking for an opportunity to learn about how the latest hardware and software works -- and how you can best use it to make games -- you'll want to keep these talks on your radar.

For example, Nvidia is sponsoring a fascinating GDC 2017 session on "Deep Learning for Game Developers." Make time to check it out, and you'll learn how to leverage deep learning to create, develop, market, run and tune higher quality and more appealing games for mobile, console and PC.

Drawing on real-world experiences working with deep learning pioneers and experts at Nvidia and Baidu, Nvidia's Bryan Catarzano will explain modern deep learning concepts (such as neural networks, CNN's, RNN's, adversarial networks and auto-encoders) and update you on the most interesting work being done in the field today.

If you're more interested in raw performance talk, check out AMD's GDC 2017 sponsored session on "Explicit DirectX 12 Multi GPU Rendering." Speaker Raul Aguaviva is a dev technology engineer at AMD, and he plans to break down how DirectX 12 efficiency allows spare cycles to drive a second GPU.

With virtual reality and 4K displays driving demand for processing power to new heights, there are more reasons than ever to exploit the power of multiple GPUs. In this talk, you'll learn how this explicit API enables different ways to drive multi GPU systems. Topics covered will include work submission, memory management and synchronization between GPUs.

Meanwhile, Intel's Jeff Rous and Epic's Nick Whiting are teaming up to deliver an Intel-sponsored session on "Hitting 90: Optimizing for VR, and a look at Robo Recall" that you won't want to miss.

After all, optimizing for VR requires novel approaches and introduces new constraints not present in traditional PC games. This talk covers both title and engine specific optimizations and includes a peek under the hood of Epic's Robo Recall VR game, built upon the foundations of the company's influential Bullet Train VR game demo.

And of course more sessions will be announced for GDC 2017 in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

GDC 2017 itself will take place February 27th - March 3rd at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. For more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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