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Come to GDC 2017 for pragmatic tips on curbing toxic behavior in your game

retention, and generally makes your job as a game maker easier.

So how can industry professionals make communities better? At the 2017 Game Developers Conference, Two Hat/Community Sift chief Chris Priebe will explore the topic in a talk on "Trolls: The Cost of Doing Nothing."

This talk aims to highlight the impact that trolling and toxic behavior have on a game's success from a business perspective, answering such questions as "What is the long-term impact of doing nothing to curb abuse in gaming communities?" "How does toxicity influence a company's bottom line?", "What are the latest best practices to solve it?"

It promises to be a useful talk about a very important topic, and alongside it Prieba plans to offer attendees a strategy to manage toxicity and help gaming professionals build communities that people love.

So don't skip it! Conference officials look forward to announcing more GDC 2017 sessions spanning a diverse array of game industry issues in the months ahead. For now, don't miss the opportunity to save money by registering early -- the deadline to register for passes at a discounted rate is January 25, 2017. GDC 2017 itself will take place February 27th - March 3rd at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

For more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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