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Come out to VRDC and see how CCP developed EVE: Valkyrie

The inaugural standalone edition of the Virtual Reality Developers Conference is kicking off in November, and today organizers are happy to announce that experts from CCP Games will be there to talk about how they launched one of the most high-profile VR games: EVE: Valkyrie. 

In the VRDC Games & Entertainment track talk "Prepped for Launch, The EVE: Valkyrie Development Story" lead game designer Andrew Willans will deliver an earnest narrative of the development of EVE: Valkyrie from prototype to launch.

This lecture will cover many aspects of game design from UX to gameplay and mechanics balancing. Willans will also share and discuss the best practices with examples from various stages in production as the hardware, and vision for the game evolved.

Plus, the presentation will also cover the launch of PSVR and discuss how community-led development and cross-platform play are essential ingredients for the success of social VR gaming.

So head over to the VRDC website now and register to attend the conference, which will feature a plethora of great VR/AR talks spanning games, entertainment, and beyond into subjects such as healthcare, journalism, travel, manufacturing, retail, live events, real estate, training, and so much more.

VRDC 2016 will take place November 2-3 at the Park Central Hotel in San Francisco. For more information on VRDC 2016, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.

Gamasutra, VRDC and GDC are sibling organizations under parent UBM Tech.


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