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Come see top devs share their clever design techniques

Organizers of the 2018 Game Developers Conference are excited to host a diverse array of experienced game designers sharing their tips and tricks in the Design track talk "Rules of the Game: Five Further Techniques from Rather Clever Designers."

This session promises to be great, because it features five accomplished game makers (moderated by fellow accomplished game maker Richard Rouse III) who will each spend ten minutes detailing a specific design technique or rule they use to craft compelling experiences.

Erin Hoffman-John (CEO/Designer, Sense of Wonder), Soren Johnson (CEO/Design Director, Mohawk Games), Raph Koster (Designer, Independent), Josh Sawyer (Director, Obsidian Entertainment), and Stone Librande (Lead Designer, Riot Games) will each dive into their technique and provide detailed examples about how they have used the rule in past projects, honestly sharing the pluses and minuses -- including where their rule works well and where it may be less applicable.

Expect to leave with an interesting new set of design principles to try out on your own projects!

And we have lots more great GDC 2018 announcements to make in the coming months. For more information about GDC 2018 visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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