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Come to GDC Europe and get practical tips on surviving your startup

GDC officials are pleased to announce another great talk taking place at the big GDC Europe conference this August in Germany, one that will offer advice and support to anyone starting up their own game business.

IEP president and EEDAR cofounder Greg Short has a long career in the game industry, and at GDC Europe he'll deliver a talk on "How to Survive Your Start-Up." Check it out and you'll learn about the darker side of start-ups and how to survive some of the most dangerous perils they face.

Some of the topics Short plans to cover include: burning your boats, managing angel investors, when friends become foes, planning for growth, and riding the motivation roller-coaster. Whether you're already in a start-up now, or are thinking of one in the future, this session will help to prepare you for the worst, so you can work to be the best.

Also, early birds can still register for GDC Europe 2016 by July 20th to save up to 200 euros on an All Access Pass. The conference itself will take place August 15th and 16th at the Cologne Congress-Centrum Ost venue in Cologne, Germany.

GDC Europe 2016 will also continue to offer business and matchmaking opportunities to all attendees with a developer-focused Expo Floor area and networking events throughout the show. For more information, please visit the GDC Europe website.

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