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Coming to GDC 2017? Play these charming indie games at the Mild Rumpus!

With the Game Developers Conference just weeks away, we're excited to announce that indie video game showcase collective Wild Rumpus is returning for GDC 2017 to welcome attendees as friends and celebrated guests in their 'Mild Rumpus' game lounge.

For years now, the Mild Rumpus has established itself as a small oasis amid the hustle and bustle of an exciting conference. This year the oasis returns as a comfortable grotto where GDC 2017 attendees can take a quick break from their action-packed GDC week.

Grotto-goers will also have the chance to check out a fresh, hand-picked selection of independent games, and they may even have the opportunity to see a live talk or performance from one of the games' talented designers.

For more details on the Mild Rumpus interactive space at GDC 2017 and its list of games, check out the official website or stop by the space itself on the ground floor of the West Hall of San Francisco's Moscone Convention Center during GDC 2017.

This year, the following developers will be speaking at Mild Rumpus at 3pm Monday - Thursday:

Mon 3pm   - David Condolora (Burly Men at Sea)
Tues 3pm  - Delphine Fourneau (Sacramento)
Wed 3pm  - Jakub Dvorský (Chuchel)
Thurs 3pm - Team Tumbleseed (Tumbleseed)

And here are the games you can expect to play at Mild Rumpus durin GDC 2017:

Burly Men at Sea - Brain & Brain
A folktale about a trio of large, bearded fishermen who step away from the ordinary to seek adventure..

Chuchel - Jaromir Plachy and Amanita Design
Chuchel and Kekel are fighting for the cherry. A point’n’click game by Jaromir Plachy and Amanita Design.

Glimby - thecatamites
It’s me! It’s me! Glimby! I’m your friend!

Goodnight Traffic City - Loren Schmidt, Kia Labeija, Paul Hembree
A serial multiplayer game about gardening and building a complex relationship with a space.

The Norwood Suite - Cosmo D
You’re asked to deliver a package to a guest staying at an old hotel. This hotel is full of unusual characters, with secrets and motivations of their own. Some stand in your way, others want to help you out, but it’s up to you to figure out who you can rely on.

One Way Trip - Michael Frauenhofer & Christine Frauenhofer

A wildly surreal journey through a trippy sci-fi future full of bright colors and dark secrets. When a mass poisoning leaves much of the nation with only six hours left to live, during which time they will be hallucinating constantly, you and your brother must decide how to spend them, and whether or not to hunt for a cure!

Sacramento - Dziff & Ben Swinden
A game about capturing fleeting memories before they fade. You’ll wander through an ephemeral and uncanny landscape, flashback of moments I gathered on sketchbooks over the years. Drift aimlessly across time & space, enjoy the quiet while it lasts as life will soon resume its course.

Triennale Game Collection
Curator: Pietro Righi Riva
Developers: Mario von Rickenbach & Christian Etter, Tale Of Tales, Cardboard Computer, Pol Clarissou and Katie Rose Pipkin

The Triennale Game Collection is a downloadable virtual exhibition of video games created for the XXI Triennale by some of the world’s most renowned independent game designers, showcasing these artists’ experimental approach to interactivity.

Tumbleseed - Greg Wohlwend, Benedict Fritz, David Laskey, Joel Corelitz, and Jenna Blazevich
A rolly roguelike about a small seed with big plans. Roll up a procedurally generated mountain filled with holes and corrupted creatures. Reach the top and save your home! Balance the seed, grow powerful with upgrades, and meet new friends on your way to the peak.

Witchball - S.L. Clark
A post-reality racing game played by children in the year 2601. Two players compete in a race in 3D space while simultaneously playing a 2D pong-like ball game on the surface of the screen.

So stop by and check these games out while you're at GDC this year!

For more information on GDC 2017, which is taking place February 27th through March 3rd in San Francisco, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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