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Diamond Partner Q&A: Intel's Steve Augustine explains what Intel is doing for devs at GDC 2018

At GDC 2018, attendees will have the opportunity to interact with an array of sponsors who help fuel the games industry, including our Diamond Partners, whose support plays an integral role to the success of GDC.

To introduce you to our Diamond Partner Intel, we've reached out to Intel director of consumer software marketing Steve Augustine to ask about the future of what Intel is doing for game developers, and what attendees can expect from Intel during GDC!

Don't miss out! The Game Developers Conference in San Francisco next March will be a hub for many more great industry titans. For more visit the show’s official website.

Would you please introduce yourself and explain what we can expect from Intel at GDC?
Intel is an essential partner for game developers who want to optimize PC performance as well as maximize their consumer reach on the one of the largest gaming platforms in the world. We hope devs will connect to the Intel® Game Developer program for tools, resources, and opportunities to help them bring the best game experience to the biggest worldwide audience. We invite developers to meet up at our booth for hands on demos with new technology, get advice from Intel engineers, attend one of our technical training sessions or just stop by for a pick up eSports match. Our partner, Green Man Gaming, will provide one-on-one publishing consultations. Intel will host key events, including our University Showcase (for students), a diversity mentorship café, and mixers with our partners, including Unity.

Intel provides significant documentation and support for devs through the Intel® Game Developer program. Why does Intel provide universal accessibility to its tools?
A strong open ecosystem is the foundation of what makes the games industry so great, and Intel is a driving force behind its technical innovation. We believe that the most exciting advances and opportunities for game developers are on Intel® technology, and we invite you to the Intel Game Developer program for additional benefits.

Regardless of your experience level or where you are in your development cycle, once you join in our program you, as a game developer, will have access to powerful Intel® performance analyzers, libraries, and other software tools to help you test and optimize your games for the very best experience on Intel® architecture. Our tools, such as the Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzer, are free, and our programs are open to everyone.

What does Intel’s future path look like?
We recently launched our new Game Developer program, offering extensive benefits and new go-to-market opportunities that we hope members will take advantage of:
· Free, premium tools – Includes powerful performance analyzers, libraries, and other software tools to help you test and optimize your game for a great experience on Intel® architecture.
· Intel® testing certification – Ensures your game delivers a stellar experience on Intel® processors.
· Knowledge base – Provides access to resources (training, articles, tips) and people (forums, events) that help you finish your game and go to market.
· Community - Get inspired, make connections, and get answers to your programming questions on Intel® Dev Mesh.
· Networking opportunities — Reach a wider audience, gain credibility, and engage with the industry with opportunities to share your game or speak at workshops and events, tradeshow collaborations, contests, sponsorships, and more.
· Level-up fellowship — Network with and learn from other indie developers, as well as from industry experts and partners. Tap into the broader game dev community to increase your knowledge base as you get ready, get noticed, and get big.
· Promotional opportunities – Games that receive certification may be included in Intel showcases, and they might also be selected for additional opportunities such as PR campaigns, social promotions, and publishing by Green Man Gaming.
· Monetization opportunities - Select games are chosen for further sales opportunities with Intel.

What will GDC attendees see at Intel’s booth this year?
· New and exciting games from up and coming developers optimized for Intel technology.
· Learn about developing games on Intel technologies, such as Intel® Core™ processors, Intel® Iris® graphics, and Intel® Optane™ memory.
· Learn about the Intel Graphics Performance analyzer, VR techniques for scaling, simulations optimizations, wireless VR, and more!
· Meet at the indie lounge for in-depth technical conversations and advice.
· eSports matches for devs that wants to blow off a little steam and have fun
· Connect with Green Man Gaming will be sharing the inside scoop on how to get your game published and generate sales.

GDC 2018 will take place March 19-23rd at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. For more information, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.


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