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Here are the exhibitors for GDC 2017's all-new GDC Retro Play showcase!

Game Developers Conference organizers are excited to announce the lineup of exhibitors for the all-new GDC Retro Play, a brand new interactive space at GDC 2017 that specifically concentrates on showcasing retro consoles, computers, games and related memorabilia!

Expanding on previous GDC showcases from the National Videogame Museum and others, GDC officials are donating free space adjacent to the GDC Play indie dev-centric part of the show from Wednesday, March 1st to Friday, March 3rd to these selected retro game collections or organizations.

Also, each of these organizations will receive complimentary GDC 2017 passes and encouragement to show classics, curios and game obscurities to passing GDC attendees. So if you aren't already registered to attend GDC 2017 next month, do so quickly -- the deadline to register for passes at a discounted rate is today, January 18, at 11:59 PM Pacific!

Without further ado, here's who you can expect to find at the inaugural GDC Retro Play space this year:

Also, GDC organizers are pleased to confirm that the folks behind the National Videogame Museum are returning to GDC 2017 to once again present their own amazing interactive video game history exhibit on the show floor. Don't miss it!

For more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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