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At GDC 2017, get expert tips on improving your game's user experience

With less than a week to go until the 2017 Game Developers Conference, show organizers want to quickly make sure you don't miss out on a neat panel discussion taking place during the conference's special UX Summit.

In a panel on "Playing the Middle: Balancing Trust, Creativity, and Business in the Science of Experience", a panel of veteran game devs from across the industry will have a boisterous discussion about the effects of data, creativity, and development constraints on the user experience in games.

It promises to be a great talk, because the panelists include Ian Livingston (Senior User Experience Researcher, Electronic Arts), Corey May (Senior Narrative Director, 2K Games), Jonathan Dankoff (User Research Manager, WB Games Montreal), Alex Hutchinson (Creative Director, Ubisoft) and Chris Lang (Senior Producer, Bungie.)

Together they'll tackle several topics, including: the role of data in the creative process, the focus of UX at different organizational levels, the importance of trust in the UX research process, and how developers still end up crafting bad player experiences! So attend this talk, join the discussion, and learn all the ways that UX permeates the industry.

For more details on this and other talks taking place at GDC 2017, head over to the conference Session Scheduler. For more information on GDC 2017, which runs February 27th through March 3rd, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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