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At GDC 2018, learn how and why you should set up an inclusive tech space

Should your studio or company set aside permanent spaces dedicated to game accessibility research, feedback, education, and design?

Microsoft has done just that with its Inclusive Technologies Lab, and at GDC 2018 in San Francisco next March, Microsoft's Gaming & Community leads Tara Voelker (Program Manager, Mixer) and Brannon Zahand (Release Manager, 343 Industries) will discuss the value of such a dedicated inclusive technologies space.

In their Advocacy track talk on "Building an Inclusive Tech Lab: How and Why You Should Too", the pair will show fellow game makers how Microsoft's lab was launched, what went right (and not quite right) during the first 6 months of operation, and provide detailed tips and tricks for setting up your own accessibility-centric space.

It promises to be a great talk with forward-thinking ideas, real-world examples and practical takeaways, so don't miss it!

Plus, we have lots more GDC 2018 announcements to make in the coming months. For more information about GDC 2018 visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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