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GDC 2014 passes donated to IGDA student scholarship

Game Developers Conference has once again donated 25 All-Access Conference passes for students to attend GDC 2014 via the IGDA scholarship program.
The International Game Developers Association Scholarships Program is accepting applications for its GDC 2014 scholarships until December 17, 2013. The program is open to all students and recent graduates in fields related to game development.
The IGDA scholarships for GDC 2014 will include full access to the conference, mentorship from members of industry, and chances to talk to senior figures and to visit some of the Bay Area's development studios while in California for the show.
The IGDA is a not-for-profit membership organization serving individuals who create video games, and is dedicated to improving developers' careers and lives through community, professional development, and advocacy. GDC has been donating passes for students since the IGDA Scholarship program began in 2001.

Those interested in IGDA's Scholarship Program should visit the official website to learn how to apply - applicants need to be IGDA members in good standing. IGDA members are also entitled to several benefits, such as discounts for GDC registration and GDC Vault subscriptions.
GDC 2014 itself will take place March 17th-21th, 2014 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, with discounted early registration currently available to everyone.


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