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Get tips on maximizing the life of 'midcore' mobile games at GDC 2017

As the schedule begins to come together for the 2017 Game Developers Conference next year, organizers are pleased to highlight another great expert talk taking place at the show about an important topic: practicalities of the mobile game industry.

Are you maximizing the life -- and lifetime value -- of your mobile game? Using genre-specific predictive models developed from the Kongregate portfolio, Kongregate's own Tammy Levy will give you practical tips and advice on doing just that in her GDC 2017 talk on "Lifetime Value: The Long Tail of Mid-Core Mobile Games."

It promises to be a great talk, because Levy aims to demonstrate how (and why) post-D30 (day 30) retention can be key to increase your revenue. Through case studies you'll learn strategies to boost both early and late revenue, as well as game core loop modifications to drive better player investment in the long run.

And there's lots more to come! Conference officials look forward to announcing more GDC 2017 sessions spanning a diverse array of game industry issues in the months ahead.

For now, don't miss the opportunity to save money by registering early -- the deadline to register for passes at a discounted rate is January 25, 2017. GDC 2017 itself will take place February 27th - March 3rd at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

For more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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