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Get to know the 2016 Independent Games Festival finalists in Gamasutra's Road to the IGF series

If you'd like to get familiar with the developers of the Independent Games Festival, leading online game dev destination Gamasutra has an easy way to do that! 
Check out Gamasutra's Road to the IGF series, where you can learn about the tools, inspirations, and backgrounds of developers behind games such as Panoramical, Darkest Dungeon, Her Story, Oxenfree, and the rest of the 2016 IGF finalists.
Some choice quotes from this year's series (which is updated daily): 
"Developing in Early Access is like working while naked in a transparent cube suspended above Times Square." - Tyler Sigman, Darkest Dungeon 
"My first foray into making games was in the form of modifying Half-Life, which at the time I felt didn't include enough Pokemon nor Steven Seagal." - Ben Kane, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes 
"When I decide to use a personal story as the source for a game story, I make sure that I have enough critical distance from the experience so that I can write clearly and honestly about it." - Nina Freeman, Cibele 
"In VR as a player, you are actually building. You are picking objects up, looking at them, reasoning about them, and placing them in an incredibly real, human-like fashion...and it feels amazing. Something like that is simply impossible in non-VR 3D." Kimberly Voll, Fantastic Contraption 
"It's an ape game. You're an ape, you get out. With jazz." - Gabe Cuzillo, Ape Out 
Check out all of the interviews, with new ones added regularly, on Gamasutra's official Road to the IGF page - and check out the finalists in person at the IGF Pavilion on the GDC 2016 show floor, with the winners being decided  at GDC in a ceremony on the evening of March 16th in San Francisco.
Gamasutra and IGF/GDC are sibling organizations under parent UBM. 

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