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Hear game dev tips from Xbox frontman Phil Spencer at GDC

The 2015 Game Developers Conference is coming up fast, and today conference officials are excited to announce another great sponsored session that attendees shouldn't miss when they arrive in San Francisco this March.

Phil Spencer, head of Xbox and gaming at Microsoft, will be delivering an hour-long talk about "The Future of Gaming Across the Microsoft Ecosystem: Creating Games Across Devices."

During the Microsoft-sponsored talk, Spencer aims to show developers some of the ways they can create unique games experiences for Xbox One and Windows 10, as well as what the future holds for creators making game content for the Microsoft ecosystem.

It promises to be a can't-miss talk for attendees interested in Microsoft's game strategy going forward. If you're not already an attendee, don't worry -- passes are still available for purchase via the GDC website.

Further details on this and many more announced talks are available now in the online GDC 2015 Session Scheduler, where you can begin to plan out your conference week and later export it to the up-to-the-minute GDC Mobile App, coming soon.

Conference officials look forward to announcing more GDC 2015 sessions spanning a diverse array of game industry issues in the months ahead.

For more information on GDC 2015, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

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