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Indie Megabooth seeks submissions for next year's GDC & PAX East

This story originally appeared on Gamasutra.

If you're an indie dev looking to get your work in front of people, you should know that the folks behind Indie Megabooth are seeking submissions for games to appear in the (Mega)booth at GDC 2018 and PAX East 2018.

Notably, submissions close November 17th at 11:59 PM Pacific, so you've got a little less than a month.

This itinerant indie game showcase has often been a boon for devs in terms of exposure and live playtesting, though it does comes at a cost: it costs $50 to submit a game, and then if your game is accepted you'll need to pay for the booth space as well as budgeting to attend the event.

For more details on what's involved with appearing in the Megabooth (or the accompanying Minibooth, which is geared towards devs showcasing games that are early in development) have a look at some of the many Megabooth postmortem blogs that Gamasutra readers have posted after participating in the showcase.


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