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Land a job interview at GDC 2017!

Going to GDC 2017? You could qualify for on-site job interviews with major companies attending the show!

Qualified job seekers using Gamasutra’s industry-leading job board now have the chance to get their job board profiles and resumes in front of high-profile game companies exhibiting at GDC 2017. To apply, simply follow the link below:

I'd like to land a job interview at GDC 2017!

(A free Gamasutra job seeker account is required.*)

If you do qualify, employers will contact you directly with meeting information. Meetings will be on-site in San Francisco at GDC 2017, which takes place February 27-March 3, 2017. Further questions can be answered by emailing [email protected].

Applicants who meet the job requirements and qualifications of employers will be contacted for an interview. Not everyone who registers will land an interview -- employers will be considering resumes based on discipline, location (or ability to re-locate), and experience. All candidates must have at least three years of experience.

Recruiters who are interested in connecting with Gamasutra job board users can find more information here.

*If you do not have a job seeker account, get started here.


Connecting the Global Game Development Community