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Learn how to design better mixed-reality experiences at VRDC!

The first-ever standalone Virtual Reality Developers Conference draws nigh, and today organizers are pleased to highlight another one of the great cutting-edge talks taking place at the November conference!

Omer Shapira is a lead technical artist with Nvidia, and at VRDC he'll be sharing some lessons learned about solving complicated mixed-reality development problems in his "Thinking with Your Body: Fast Iteration for Mixed Reality Design" talk.

It promises to be a fascinating presentation, as Shapira will discuss proprioception, human motion planning, LOD in UX design, cues for spatial reckoning, measuring tool effectiveness, and personal space. He'll also share key practical learnings from NVIDIA, Fake Love, Framestore and other experienced studios to examine ways of tending to the granularity of our bodies, exploiting our perceptual blindspots, and describe ways of implementing those into the experience.

This is just one of the many great talks taking place at VRDC, so head over to the VRDC website now and register to attend the conference -- which will feature a plethora of great VR/AR talks spanning games, entertainment, and beyond into subjects such as healthcare, journalism, travel, manufacturing, retail, live events, real estate, training, and so much more.

VRDC 2016 will take place November 2-3 at the Park Central Hotel in San Francisco. For more information on VRDC 2016, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.


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