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Learn about innovative ways VR is being used in healthcare at VRDC Fall 2017!

Virtual Reality Developers Conference officials are committed to putting together a fantastic VRDC Fall 2017 event. Today they want to highlight some great sessions you can take part in during the show -- which is happening September 21-22 at a bigger, better venue in San Francisco!

One of the key missions for VRDC is bringing attendees together with industry leaders who have achieved success in the VR/AR/MR industries. To that end, organizers are keen to highlight some VRDC Fall 2017 sessions that aim to deliver practical learnings gleaned from those who have been there and done that.

For example, CheckPoint Organisation's Executive Director Jennifer Hazel will be giving a great "Virtual Reality for Treatment of Phobiastalk at VRDC Fall 2017.

In her talk, Jennifer will share how VR use in exposure therapy has contributed to the successful treatment of anxiety disorders -- including phobias. She'll be discussing the current understanding of what makes a VR experience effective for phobia treatment from a psychological, physiological and technical point of view.

Also, CEO and Co-Founder of VR Playhouse Christina Heller will be at VRDC Fall 2017 to discuss "Digital Medicine: Creating Great VR Healthcare Content." VR not only has the potential to take users to distant, alternate worlds but can also create a positive impact on their mental and physical health.

You can expect to learn how immersive VR experiences are being used to reduce pain in patients undergoing medical treatments, and also ease their mindset going into major procedures. Additionally you will walk away with a better understanding of VR in healthcare settings and how patients are reacting to these unique therapeutic experiences.

While you're at the show make sure to make time to check out the "Immersive Medical Care with VR/AR and Virtual Humans" talk thatDirector of R&D Integration at USC Institute for Creative Technologies Arno Hartholt is giving at VRDC Fall 2017.

It's well worth seeing because anyone interested in using VR/AR beyond gaming and entertainment will learn how VR/AR and virtual humans can be applied to study human behavior and specific ailments, and how they can lead to various treatments for PTSD or pain.

Additionally, Innovation Specialist at Merck Zach Pinner will be at VRDC Fall 2017 to give his talk "Immersive Tech in Merck Labs", which will explain how immersive technology has successfully found a way into the historically slow-moving pharmaceutical industry. Anyone interested in learning how scientists are leveraging this technology in drug discovery, be sure to attend!

And of course, VRDC Fall 2017 organizers look forward to announcing many more talks for the event in the weeks to come. Don't forget to register early at a discounted rate!

Since tickets sold out for the first three VRDC events, VRDC Fall 2017 will offer more sessions and move to a bigger location at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, CA September 21-22.

For more information on VRDC Fall 2017, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.


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