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Make time to attend the standout #1ReasonToBe panel at GDC 2015

The 2015 Game Developers Conference is coming up fast, but we wanted to pause for a second to highlight one of the more popular sessions at the show: the #1ReasonToBe panel on the Advocacy track of talks.

Inspired by the #1ReasonWhy and #1ReasonToBe hashtagged discussions that erupted across social media in 2013, this panel is a rapid, fun microtalk-style celebration and exploration of what it means to be a woman in games.

For the second year running GDC organizers have made all Advocacy track talks open to all GDC attendees, regardless of what type of pass they purchase, so it's open to everyone with a GDC badge.

Check it out to see a panel of women in games share their experience, its highs and lows, and explore a vision for a future industry that is inclusive for all. The panel is hosted by industry veterans Brenda Romero and Leigh Alexander, and panelists include Amy Hennig (Creative Director at EA), Katherine Cross (PhD candidate at CUNY), Sela Davis (Software Engineer at Microsoft), Adriel Wallick (MsMinotaur Programmer), Elizabeth LaPensee (Game Designer at Odaminowin Studio) and Constance Steinkuehler (Professor at University of Madison Wisconsin).

For a taste of what you're in for, you can watch last year's #1ReasonToBe panel for free on the GDC Vault. 

For more information on this session and its speakers, or others in the show's growing lineup, check out the official GDC 2015 Session Scheduler, which continues to add new talks every week. 

For more information on GDC 2015, which runs March 2-6 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, visit the show's official website or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

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