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Mega64's Second, Third GDC Commercials Paint Skewed Picture Of Event

Unfazed by the rejection of its first promotional video for the 2010 Game Developers Conference, the Mega64 crew quickly went to work to produce this revised commercial, focusing less on the trade show's rave parties (mostly because there won't be any) and more on its geekier aspects.
Unfortunately, organizers for the event felt this video doesn't quite capture the spirit of GDC 2010 either. While they conceded that a panel devoted to cake-themed Portal jokes might be possible, coordinators feared that promoting game/music piracy and instating a "20-buckle minimum" on boot-wearing attendees might drive away sponsors and publishers.
Nonetheless, the team persevered, and the following resulted:

This third attempt to get the tone _just_ right for the creators of the March 9th-13th San Francisco game development conference, Mega64 decided to ramp down the bombast and ramp up As a result, you may see one or multiple of the following: French berets, discussions of how God intersects with games, and overhead panning shots of mysterious artifacts being dug up on beaches.
As for whether this one got past the GDC organizers, you'll have to wait til the end of the commercial to find out, but really - what do you think?


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