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Now's the time to submit talks for the Game Career Seminar at GDC 2017!

If you've got a great idea for a session that should take place as part of the Game Career Seminar at Game Developers Conference 2017, now is the time to submit it! We at GDC are now accepting Game Career Seminar submissions through Friday, September 23rd.

This will be the 31st edition of GDC, which continues to be the world's largest and longest-running event serving professionals dedicated to the art and science of making games.

The big event will take place Monday, February 27 to Friday, March 3, 2017 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California, and will once again host thousands of game developers from all around the world for a week of learning, networking and inspiration.

The Career Seminar is all about bringing new faces into the game industry, and encouraging the new folks who have recently joined us. It's for people who have either just made their first game, or are thinking about it. These aren't complete neophytes, but they certainly aren't veterans.

This is the time when we want to present the diversity of voices and perspectives that we have in the game industry, and show the next generation of game developers what we'd like the game industry to be.

So what are we looking for? Unique experiences and perspectives that may apply to a broader audience, best practices in emerging arenas, and talks about difficult subjects like marketing an unknown game, building a diverse team, dealing with “failure,” and feeling like you don't fit the game developer mold, whatever that may be.

Do submit anything and everything you think will work within this framework, or even things we haven't thought of – we want a lot to choose from! But really, think about what you would've liked to know when working on your second game. The more details the better.

For more details on the submission process, please visit the GDC website.

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