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At GDC 2018, see how PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds became a Twitch sensation

Preparations for the 2018 Game Developers Conference are in full swing, and today organizers want to let you know about another great session taking place at the show that will dig into one of the most interesting games of the year.

Attendees of GDC in San Francisco next March will get to hear a very special presentation from PUBG Corp's Sammie Kang about the ups and downs of maintaining one of the breakout hits of 2017 -- PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Kang's talk, which spans both the Business & Marketing and Advocacy tracks of talks at GDC 2018, will be all about how the PUBG team began interacting with a small community since its pre-alpha test, and what community activities and programs were executed to drive growth of the community during its first and second alpha test through Early Access.

The talk, titled "Community Snowballing in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds: From Pre-Alpha to 8 Million in Early Access", should help attendees better understand the practical steps that the PUBG team took to help the game rise from out of nowhere to become a Twitch sensation. You won't want to skip it!

Plus, we have lots more GDC 2018 announcements to make in the coming months. For more information about GDC 2018 visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.



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