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Share your 'GDC Story' to win an All Access Pass to GDC 2013

GDC organizers have announced the 'My GDC Story' campaign, which asks past attendees to share their life-changing GDC experiences for a chance to win an All Access Pass to GDC 2013.
Anyone who has participated in a GDC can submit a story. Every story submission will be considered, with one lucky individual winning an All Access Pass to this year's conference to be held March 25-29 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, CA.
Organizers hope to hear any of the following stories:
-If you met someone at GDC who ended up becoming an important person in your life - a friend, a spouse, a business partner
-If you got a job through connections you made at GDC
-If you were uniquely inspired by a GDC session, and how
-If meeting one of your game development heroes at GDC had an impact on your career
-If the Experimental Gameplay Sessions, Independent Games Festival, Game Developers Choice -Awards or another event at GDC helped push you or your game into notoriety
-Any other way that the GDC has had a positive impact on your life or career

Those who wish to participate in the drawing for an All Access Pass to GDC 2013 must submit their story before midnight (PST) on February 28, 2013, following these specific instructions.

While only one lucky winner will get chosen, GDC still has a discount on current select show registrations made by March 20th, at 11:59pm EST, with prices increasing for onsite registration. GDC 2013 itself will take place March 25-29 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.
For more information on GDC 2013, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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