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Take your career in games to the next level at GDC 2017!

The 2017 Game Developers Conference is next week, and today show officials want to remind you about the great career growth and networking opportunities attendees can take advantage of at the show!

First and foremost, you should check out the Careers @ GDC hub for a thorough rundown of all the ways to view companies recruiting at GDC, as well as other career advancement opportunities you can access during the conference.

You'll also want to familiarize yourself with the Career Theater, a special venue (booth N5220) in the North Hall of the Moscone Convention Center where you can take in high-level career development sessions programmed by GDC and top game companies like WB and Sony.

Also, make sure to check out the Game Career Seminar, a one-day program of sessions, networking events and more that's taking place next Friday, March 3rd; it's designed specifically for students and individuals interested in learning how to build a career in the video game industry.

And while you're at the show make sure to grab a copy of the "Who's Hiring @ GDC" brochure, which details which companies are hiring at GDC, and what positions they are looking to fill. The brochure is downloadable through the GDC Mobile App prior to the show, and will be available onsite via designated kiosks.

(Of course, you can download the GDC Mobile app right now via iTunes or Google Play and log in with your account credentials to access your personal GDC schedule on the go. As always, even if you already have the GDC Mobile app on your device, it's important that you update to the latest version!)

If you're familiar with the popular Career Pavilion that has appeared at prior GDC events, know that this year we're changing things up a bit: in lieu of a single Career Pavilion, game companies looking to hire are able to pick their booth location in both the North and South Halls of the Moscone Convention Center.

Plus, if you're coming to GDC next week you could very well already qualify for on-site job interviews with major companies attending the show!

Qualified job seekers using Gamasutra’s industry-leading job board now have the chance to get their job board profiles and resumes in front of high-profile game companies exhibiting at GDC 2017. To apply, simply follow the link below:

I'd like to land a job interview at GDC 2017!

(A free Gamasutra job seeker account is required.*)

If you do qualify, employers will contact you directly with meeting information. Meetings will be on-site in San Francisco at GDC 2017 next week. Further questions can be answered by emailing [email protected].

Applicants who meet the job requirements and qualifications of employers will be contacted for an interview. Not everyone who registers will land an interview -- employers will be considering resumes based on discipline, location (or ability to re-locate), and experience. All candidates must have at least three years of experience.

Recruiters who are interested in connecting with Gamasutra job board users can find more information here.

*If you do not have a job seeker account, get started here.

For more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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