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If you're attending GDC 2017, don't miss the Nite to Unite charity gala

The game industry will gather in San Francisco next month for the Game Developers Conference, and organizers are encouraging GDC 2017 to make time in their schedules for the smorgasbord of events happening at and around the big show.

The 19th annual Nite to Unite gala is among them, and since its a charity event GDC organizers want to make sure everyone knows about it. This time around the event is being held on the evening of Tuesday, February 28th alongside GDC in San Francisco by the Entertainment Software Assocation Foundation.

This year the charity gala will honor two notable members of the game industry: Sid Meier and Jeromy Adams. Meier is of course the man behind games like Civilization and Pirates!, a game industry luminary and prior GDC speaker/honoree.

Adams, meanwhile, is the founder of Extra Life – an extraordinary organization that coordinates 24–hour video game marathons around the world to support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

The event, which is supported and attended by members of the association and the entertainment software industry, raises funds for the ESA Foundation, a charitable organization that seeks to make a meaningful positive impact in the game industry by (among other things) providing scholarships to college students interested in game development or technology, and supporting various non-profit organizations (like Extra Life) that make use of video game technology to further their goals.

Nite to Unite is a notable effort to celebrate the industry's continuing growth and success while helping to make a difference in the lives of America's youth. More information, including ticketing and sponsorship, is available over on the Nite to Unite website.

And of course, there will be lots of other events, interactive spaces and talks taking place at the conference. For more details on all announced talks, make sure to check out the GDC 2017 Session Scheduler.

For more information on GDC 2017, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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