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At VRDC you'll see how the White House is using VR to tackle real challenges

Virtual Reality Developers Conference organizers are working to line up a fantastic array of VR/AR experts to speak at the big November show, and today they're happy to announce that one of those speakers will be coming from the White House.

Erik Martin is a policy advisor at the White House, and in a VRDC Innovation Track talk on "The White House Call: Virtual Reality for Grand Challenges" he'll address the ways the White House sees virtual reality as a new tool for approaching a number of significant issues.

He'll also explore efforts by the White House to utilize leading entertainment technology, and speak to how, in areas like education, VR must also help reduce the digital divide among wealthy and poor rather than expand it. This talk will call for VR as a force for good, and showcase how developers can help achieve that goal.

So don't miss it! Head over to the VRDC website now and register to attend the conference, which will feature a plethora of great VR/AR talks spanning games, entertainment, and beyond into subjects such as healthcare, journalism, travel, manufacturing, retail, live events, real estate, training, and so much more.

VRDC 2016 will take place November 2-3 at the Park Central Hotel in San Francisco. For more information on VRDC 2016, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.

Gamasutra, VRDC and GDC are sibling organizations under parent UBM Tech.


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