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Come to GDC 2018 for real talk on staying creative in difficult times

As the 2018 Game Developers Conference draws closer, organizers want to take a moment to let you know about a great Advocacy track talk that's been confirmed for next year's show.

Attendees of GDC in San Francisco next March will have a chance to take part in a very special session presented by veteran game developer and Skydance Interactive chief creative officer Laralyn McWilliams.

Her talk, titled "You're Not Broken: Finding Your Creative Way Through Difficult Times", will provide devs with tools to recognize when you're deep in the well of darkness, and methods to help reclaim your creativity.

Drawing heavily on McWilliams' own experience making games and going through multiple rounds of cancer (she's now cancer-free on a clinical trial), this talk will explore the challenges of working in a creative field while dealing with stress, grief, and change.

Whether you're able to make the arduous climb out of the well or you must find beauty in a journey spent largely in darkness, McWilliams believes you can move forward. You can create again. But first comes forgiveness.

And of course, we have lots more GDC 2018 announcements to make in the coming months. For more information about GDC 2018 visit the show's official website, and subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.


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