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Come to GDC Europe and see how Remedy coded Quantum Break with D

GDC Europe 2016 is just weeks away, and you should know that conference organizers have arranged for an excellent talk from Remedy Entertainment's Ethan Watson about how the studio built its hit 2016 action game Quantum Break using the D programming language.

It's a notable talk about a language that's rarely discussed in game development, and Watson aims to answer important questions like: what benefits does D have over C++? Is it ready for mass use? Does treating code as data with a traditional C++ engine work?

His talk will cover Remedy's usage of the D programming language in Quantum Break and also provide some details on where the studio wants to take usage of it in the future. Make sure to check it out if you're interested in gaining knowledge of a realistic alternative to C++, an understanding of D's real world usage and insight into what the possibilities could be for your own usage.

Plus, early birds can still register for GDC Europe 2016 by July 20th to save up to 200 euros on an All Access Pass. The conference itself will take place August 15th and 16th at the Cologne Congress-Centrum Ost venue in Cologne, Germany.

Also, all of the announced talks are now available in the online GDC Europe 2016 Session Scheduler, where you can begin to build your conference week and later export it to the up-to-the-minute GDC Mobile App!

GDC Europe 2016 will also continue to offer business and matchmaking opportunities to all attendees with a developer-focused Expo Floor area and networking events throughout the show. For more information, please visit the GDC Europe website.

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