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Come to GDC Europe for cutting-edge studio leadership advice

This year's big GDC Europe conference in Cologne, Germany is coming up fast, and today we're excited to announce more great talks from game industry experts who will be speaking at the August conference.

Today we're taking a moment to highlight some of the more business-minded talks of the show, in an effort to showcase how the successful studios of today (and tomorrow) tackle the challenge of keeping studios in the black.

We're excited to have the Denius-Sams Gaming Academy's Joshua Howard offering practical advice on how studios can nurture their future leaders in "Growing Leaders from Within: A Practical Approach to Leadership Development."

Howard works with veteran studio lead Warren Spector at the academy and has previously served in an executive role on development of games like Warface and Microsoft Flight; make time to attend his talk and you'll learn how to identify developers with leadership potential (or make your own shine through) and deliver on-the-job training and mentorship to ensure your studio will survive and thrive.

If you'd rather learn to do without traditional management and assure your continued success as a studio made up of independent teams, check out Wooga product lead Adam Telfer's talk on "Saying No to the CEO: A Deep Look At Independent Teams." 

Wooga, Supercell and others have found great success with company structures that give every development team full ownership over decisions in their game. In his talk, Telfer will delve into how this works in practice and detail the ups and downs of working in an independent culture. 

Of course, these are just two of the many exciting sessions that will be announced for GDC Europe 2015 in the coming weeks, and you can find more details on all announced talks over on the GDC Europe Schedule Builder.

Early birds can still register for GDC Europe 2015 by July 8th to save 200 euros on an All Access Pass. The conference itself will take place August 3rd and 4th in Cologne, Germany.

GDC Europe 2015 will also continue to offer business and matchmaking opportunities to all attendees with a developer-focused Expo Floor area and networking events throughout the show. For more information, please visit the GDC Europe website.

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