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Come to GDC Europe for real talk on getting the financing you need

Preparations for this year's GDC Europe event in Cologne, Germany continue apace, and today GDC officials are excited to confirm an important talk for the upcoming August conference. 

The GDC Europe Business, Marketing and Management track of talks encompasses a wide variety of insight from industry experts, spanning the spectrum of AAA to indie.

Execution Labs co-founder Jason Della Rocca is an award-winning developer who's spent time in both worlds, and we're excited to welcome him to the conference this year to offer frank advice on how fellow developers can get their projects -- or their companies -- funded.

His talk, "Funding for Real: In the Trenches, Lessons on Getting the Financing You Need," will be a "from the trenches" reality check on how independent studios are getting projects funded, and their companies financed today.

Nitty-gritty advice on investor options, what each one is looking for, how to be "investable", stacking/layering options, what to watch out for, etc, will be covered based on Jason's first-hand experience in funding games and startups via Execution Labs, as well as case studies from across the industry.

And of course, you can find more details on all the other exciting sessions that are taking place at the event over on the GDC Europe Schedule Builder. Early birds can register for GDC Europe 2015 by July 8th to save 200 euros on an All Access Pass. The conference itself will take place August 3rd and 4th in Cologne, Germany.

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