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GDC: Learn why Supercell thinks quality is worth killing (games) for

Game Developers Conference organizers are excited to highlight a great Production talk from a Supercell designer and artist that will be taking place at GDC 2016 next month.

In "Quality Is Worth Killing For" Jonathan Dower will discuss the inner workings of Supercell, how the games are made and the importance of the small, truly independent teams making huge decisions.

Dower worked on soft-launched Supercell hit Clash Royale (pictured), but he also worked on Smash Land -- a promising Supercell project that was eventually killed. During his talk, he'll provide practical examples of why it's important to kill your darlings, and what important lessons teams can learn from killing a project.

It's a great session, part of the GDC 2016 Production track of talks, so check it out to get new perspective on how a team's independence and the ability to kill a game is crucial to quality, learning and longevity.

You'll also find lots of other great talks on the Production track at GDC 2016, including Kongregate chief Emily Greer's talk on "Effective Testing for Free-to-Play Games," Portalarium's Starr Long speaking about "Co-Development: Open and Agile Game Development" and Harmonix's own Nate Stoddard's talk about "Rocking On: Harmonix, QA and Rock Band 4."

GDC 2016 itself will take place March 14-18th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. For more information on GDC 2016, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

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