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PSA: Wednesday is your last day to save by registering early for GDC Europe!

Heads up, game devs: GDC officials would like to remind you that this Wednesday is the last day you can register early for GDC Europe at a discounted rate. The event itself promises to be Europe's premier game development conference, and is slated to take place next month, August 15th and 16th in Cologne, Germany.

Those who register to attend GDC Europe before 11:59 PM Eastern Wednesday, July 20th can save up to 200 euros off the price of an All Access badge. That badge grants you full access to both GDC Europe and Gamescom, which is co-located with the Game Developers Conference.

In addition to a comprehensive schedule of excellent talks from leading game industry experts on topics like virtual reality development, the business of eSports and the future of mobile game design, GDC Europe attendees will also have the opportunity to see some of the leading lights of innovative European game development at GDC Europe's third annual Innovative Games Showcase.

Also, all of the announced talks are now available in the online GDC Europe 2016 Session Scheduler, where you can begin to build your conference week and later export it to the up-to-the-minute GDC Mobile App!

GDC Europe 2016 will also continue to offer business and matchmaking opportunities to all attendees with a developer-focused Expo Floor area and networking events throughout the show. For more information, please visit the GDC Europe website.

Gamasutra and GDC are sibling organizations under parent UBM Americas


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