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Watch GDC speakers pitch their talks to you, in under a minute!

As the game industry continues to prepare for GDC 2016 in San Francisco later this month, conference organizers want to make sure you don't miss out on hearing about some of the great talks -- direct from the speakers themselves.

This year is the 30th anniversary of GDC, so we're kicking the show off with a very special Flash Backward event that will see veterans from across the game industry gathering to reflect on how the landscape of game development has changed in the past thirty years.

It's a riff on the annual Flash Forward talk showcases which give GDC attendees a quick peek at what to expect from the show every year, and like those events the Flash Backward will take place Wednesday, March 16th at 9:30 AM in the big ballroom in the west hall of Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. But that doesn't mean we aren't doing Flash Forward talks this year!

In fact, right now the official GDC YouTube channel is filling up with videos submitted by a broad array of GDC 2016 speakers. Each one is a very brief, personal pitch for why you, dear GDC 2016 attendee, should come to that person's talk.

They're funny, informative and packed with personality -- in short, perfect encapsulations of what makes GDC talks great.

Here's a few examples of great GDC 2016 Flash Forward pitches (with links to their corresponding talks) currently available to watch for free:

Fallout 4's Modular Level Design

The Gothic Horror Music of Bloodborne

History Shaping Design: Gender Roles As Shown In Centuries of Game Design

Classic Game Postmortem: Ms. Pac-Man

Women Lead VR: Executives Discuss Content Creation and Diversity

Having fun? You can watch lots more Flash Forward videos over on the official GDC YouTube channel, which is also regularly updated with new talks recorded at GDCs through the ages. Subscribe, and you'll be the first to know about when new videos are added to the channel!

Plus, for more details on these and all the other great talks that will take place during this year's Game Developers Conference, check out the GDC Session Scheduler. While you're there, start planning your schedule! 

Of course, GDC 2016 itself will take place March 14-18th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. For more information on GDC 2016, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

Gamasutra and GDC are sibling organizations under parent UBM Tech.


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