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Watch your favorite GDC talks now on the new GDC YouTube channel

Game Developers Conference officials are very excited to announce the launch of an official GDC YouTube channel where you can watch high-quality recordings of some of the best and brightest members of the game industry sharing knowledge with their peers.

Subscribe now and be the first to know when a new video is posted every weekday, and if you like what you see, head over to the GDC Vault for thousands of more in-depth talks recorded and archived across nearly twenty years of GDC history.

Going forward, the GDC Vault will continue to offer tons of GDC videos for free, with more available to paying subscribers. The new GDC YouTube channel is designed to augment that service and make your life easier by collecting a selection of GDC talks and clips from talks in an easily shareable format.

For example, you can head over to the GDC YouTube channel right now to watch a clip of noted game maker Will Wright (The Sims, SimCity) designing humanity's last game as part of the longer GDC 2013 Game Design Challenge panel.

Or you could tune in to see veteran interactive fiction designer Emily Short (Galatea, Counterfeit Monkey) deliver a brief, rousing talk GDC 2015 microtalk about how you can create a great protagonist for your next game.

If you prefer to watch longer videos, check out this Classic Game Postmortem of Lucasfilm Games' Loom from designer Brian Moriarty, or Auditorium developer Dain Saint's thought-provoking panel on breaking down the Universe from a game maker's point of view.

And there's lots more to come, so head over to the official GDC YouTube channel page to subscribe and look forward to a new video (almost) every day.

About the GDC Vault

In addition to this new YouTube channel, the afore-mentioned GDC Vault offers numerous other free videos, audio recordings, and slides from many of the recent Game Developers Conference events, and the service offers even more members-only content for GDC Vault subscribers.

Those who purchased All Access passes to recent events like GDC, GDC Europe, and GDC Next already have full access to GDC Vault, and interested parties can apply for the individual subscription via a GDC Vault subscription page. Group subscriptions are also available: game-related schools and development studios who sign up for GDC Vault Studio Subscriptions can receive access for their entire office or company by contacting staff via the GDC Vault group subscription page. Finally, current subscribers with access issues can contact GDC Vault technical support.

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