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Attend GDC Europe for data-driven advice on using IAP like a champ

European game developers, take note: the big GDC Europe conference in Cologne, Germany is coming up fast, and today we're excited to announce more great sessions from your game industry compatriots that will be delivered during the August conference.

These talks both dig deep into the business ramifications of the choices you make during game design, featuring insight on how to design smart, sustainable in-app transactions for your game and when to license someone else's game engine instead of creating your own. 

Building a game with enticing, ethical and profitable in-app transactions is tricky business; at GDC Europe, Amazon developer evangelist Mike Hines will take the stage to offer data-driven advice on doing just that. In his "How The Top 50 Use IAP That The Rest Don't" session Hines will share research Amazon has conducted on how players engage with IAP in mobile games,then break down precisely what the most successful developers do differently than everyone else and how their development decisions translate to market performance.

Speaking of tricky decisions, here's a common one that doesn't always have a clear answer: should you create your own engine when starting a new game project, or license existing tech? Austrian developer Sproing has repeatedly faced this challenge, and in his "License An Engine or Create Your Own?" GDC Europe talk Sproing's Dietnar Hauser will walk you through how the company has made different choices in the past ten years -- and the repercussions those choices had on its game development efforts. 

Many more exciting talks will be announced for GDC Europe 2015 in the coming weeks; you can find full details on all announced talks over on the GDC Europe Schedule Builder, and early birds can register for GDC Europe 2015 by July 8th to save 200 euros on an All Access Pass. The conference itself will take place August 3rd and 4th in Cologne, Germany.

GDC Europe 2015 will also continue to offer business and matchmaking opportunities to all attendees with a developer-focused Expo Floor area and networking events throughout the show. For more information, please visit the GDC Europe website.

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