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GDC 2015 is now open for registration!

The time has come to sign up for the largest and longest-running worldwide event for game developers: Game Developers Conference 2015 is now open for registration!
Register for GDC 2015 by visiting the official GDC 2015 website. Early Bird pricing, with discounts up to 30 percent, will remain in effect until January 21st 2015, and some passes, including the Indie Games Summit pass, have limited amounts -- so if you're interested, you should register soon.
GDC 2015 - the 29th edition of the event - runs from March 2-6, 2015 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA, and will host summits (including a new eSports Summit!), tutorials and bootcamps, plus Main Conference talks spanning all major facets of game development - from in-depth business to hardcore design and programming.

In addition, the GDC Expo at the show will showcase all of the most relevant game development tools, platforms and services helping to drive the industry forward, alongside a raft of country-specific pavilions, playable games in the GDC Play area, and beyond.
Game Developers Conference 2014 attracted over 23,000 attendees, and next year's show is once again the primary forum where programmers, artists, producers, game designers, audio professionals, business decision-makers and others involved in the development of interactive games gather to exchange ideas and shape the future of the industry.
The conference also features the seventeenth annual Independent Games Festival, the longest-running and largest festival relating to independent games worldwide, where original games compete for the attention of the publishing community, and the fifteenth annual Game Developers Choice Awards, the premier accolades for peer-recognition in the digital games industry.
Finally, as part of a set of new initiatives to help widen access to GDC, those with limited incomes who want to attend the show but are unable to buy a pass will be able to enter a lottery to receive one of a limited number of free GDC 2015 Expo Passes. The program will launch October 27th, and we'll have more details on how to sign up for the lottery as that time approaches.
Come join us!


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