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GDC: See how DICE used photogrammetry to bring Star Wars Battlefront to life

GDC 2016 is coming up next month, and today the folks putting it together would like to let you know about a brilliant talk from EA DICE senior artists on how the studio used photography and photogrammetry techniques to create the striking visuals of Star Wars Battlefront.

If you're not familiar with photogrammetry, know that it's essentially the work of processing still images to produce high-resolution 3D meshes. To see how the DICE team used it on Battlefront, check out "Photogrammetry and Star Wars Battlefront", part of the popular Visual Arts track of talks at GDC 2016, to see DICE technical art director Kenneth Brown and lead environment artist Andrew Hamilton breaking down how and why they used photogrammetry tech to recreate the world of Star Wars.

This talk will cover Battlefront's use of of the technology from pre-production to launch as well as some of their philosophies around photogrammetry as a tool. Many visuals will be included!

Plus, it's a content creator-friendly talk intended for pretty much any developer, especially those involved in 3D content creation. It is not a technical talk focused on the code or engineering of photogrammetry. The speakers will quickly cover all basics, so absolutely no prerequisite knowledge required.

And of course there are lots of other great talks taking place on the Visual Arts track at GDC 2016, including Campo Santo's Jane Ng talking about "Making the World of Firewatch," "Animating Quadruped Characters in The Flame in The Floodfrom The Molasses Flood's Gwen Frey and Naughty Dog's Andrew Maximov's session on the "Technical Art Culture of Uncharted 4."

For more details about these and other announced GDC 2016 sessions, check out the GDC Session Scheduler. Plus, conference officials look forward to announcing many more GDC 2016 sessions spanning a diverse array of game industry issues in the weeks ahead. 

GDC 2016 itself will take place March 14-18th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. For more information on GDC 2016, visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via FacebookTwitter, or RSS.

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